It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the International Council of Islamic Finance Educators (ICIFE) website. We will be providing you with current information on Islamic Finance that suits your academic needs. This ranges from your need for teaching materials, research, publications and training.

ICIFE was established on 18th December 2013 from an initiative known as Entry Point Project (EPP) 7, under Malaysian government’s Economic Transformation Programme (ETP). The International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) has been appointed to spear head this project jointly with other selected universities with the purpose of developing and internationally acceptable Curriculum and Talent for Islamic finance education.

This body plays an important role as guardian and global authority on Islamic banking and finance by providing information and linkages in this websites. We also have a pool of experts in the areas that you can contact and network with. In addition, the website also provides information on training programs and short courses for members to attend and improve themselves.

If you are not a member of ICIFE yet, please fill in the application form here and submit it to the secretariat soonest possible. Membership to ICIFE will indicate that you have reached a certain level of expertise in your banking and financial professions.

Lastly, I wish you all the best in making use of the information available to enhance your knowledge in this growing area of Islamic Finance. Please let us know how we could further improve the website for our mutual benefit.

Prof. Dr Khaliq Ahmad,
International Council of Islamic Finance Educators (ICIFE)