On Thursday 3rd November 2015 at the Fraser Residence Kuala Lumpur, ICIFE and WAiBS (The World Association of Business Schools in Islamic Countries), both of which are dedicated to the advancement of Islamic management education and educators worldwide, signed a reciprocal membership agreement based on the following:
1. ICIFE and WAiBS will be listed in each other’s membership books and listed as Institutional Members.
2. Both organizations will seek opportunities to jointly organize conferences and programs of mutual interest.
3. Both will jointly initiate for faculty members and students exchange programs among members’ organizations.
4. Both will publish events, news, and offerings through their respective websites, face books and publications.
5. Both agreed there shall be no membership fees are exchanged and this agreement is valid for three years.
For ICIFE the agreement was signed by Founding President Prof Dr Khaliq Ahmad and Executive Director & Exco Dr. Haji Zulkifly Baharom whereas for WAiBS signed by Secretary General Prof Dr. Noor Azizi Ismail and Board Member Prof Dr. Khaled A. Alshare.
ICIFE Honarary Member and International Advisory Board Member, Prof Tan Sri Dzulkifli Abdul Razak witnessed the signing ceremony together with Vice President Prof Dr Nor Hayati Ahmad, Exco Prof Dr Rosylin Mohd Yusof & Exco Prof Dr Mohd. Rasid Hussin together with WAiBS Board Members and 150 delegates who attended the 3rd Annual WAiBS Convention.