International Council of Islamic Finance Educators



Membership Frequently Asked Question

You may contact the Secretariat at:
Phone Number : (+603) 6421 4694

Office Address:
ICIFE Secretariat Office,
Level 3, Kulliyyah of Economics and Management Sciences,
International Islamic University Malaysia,
P.O Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA
Ordinary Member
Academicians that are directly involve in teaching and research in the areas of Islamic finance (include Islamic economics, accounting, management and marketing.)

Associate Member
Members interested in Islamic finance education. All the categories of memberships will be subjected to the ICIFE council approval.
The main objective of ICIFE is to increase and maintain the professionalism of the educators in Islamic Finance field at the national and international level through curriculum development, course module, conferences, seminars, dialogues and workshops, training, database, accreditation and latest updates on Islamic Finance education.
You may register for the ICIFE membership online by clicking REGISTER.
Or, kindly follow the following steps to navigate through the process.

1. Visit ICIFE Homepage: Start by going to the ICIFE homepage.
2. Membership: Click on “Activities & Services” and choose “Membership” to see available membership plans.
3. Select Membership Option: Choose the preferred membership option based on your requirements.
4. Add to Cart: After selecting the membership, add it to your cart.
5. Proceed to Checkout: Go to your cart, and click “Proceed to Checkout.”
6. Billing Address: Fill in the billing address details.
7. Card Payment: Choose card payment as your preferred option.
8. Card Details: Provide the necessary card details.
9. Order Confirmation: Confirm your order to complete the process.
Yes. We have 2 types of fees: joining fee and annual fee. The breakdown of the Fees of ICIFE membership is as follows:

Categories of Membership Joining Fee Annual Fee
Ordinary Member (Local) RM 100 RM 200
Ordinary Member (International) USD 40 USD 80
Associate Members (Local) RM 100 RM 100
Associate Members (International) USD 40 USD 40
Honorary Members (Local) Waive Waive
Honorary Members (International) Waive Waive
Institutional Members (Local) RM 1000 RM 2000
Institutional Members (International) USD 500 USD 1000
Yes. You may apply as a member of ICIFE. You membership category will be categorized as Associate Member once your application is approved by the ICIFE Council members.

Associate Members are those who have been approved by the ICIFE (Committee or Council) deemed to have interest in Islamic Finance or related field.

I. Professional recognition

Membership of ICIFE will indicate that you have reached a certain level of expertise in your profession with respect to Islamic Finance education. This professional recognition will lend credence to your position and stature as a practitioner or an academician, particularly for your upward mobility in your workplace or for your future career advancement in related institution locally or globally.

II. Information and Advice

ICIFE has a pool of experts and those who are well informed in Islamic banking and Finance and the related areas in terms principles and practices. Hence, you can network and get connected to respective scholars, practitioners and policy makers. As ICIFE is the leading authority in Global Islamic Finance Education, the organisation can be relied upon for information and advice on the recognition, accreditation and authenticity of curricula in Islamic Banking and Finance and the related areas.

III. Publications

The publications will be in the form of a monthly Electronic newsletter and quarterly published magazine/journal. As ICIFE is in its infancy stage these publications are in their planning stage and will be e-mailed and/or distributed accordingly to the members Inshaallah, in a near future. IV. ( for your kind information, ICIFE inshallah will be officially launched by the Hon. Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia and Minister of Education, Tan Sri Hj. Muhyiddin Yassin, on August 22, 2014)

V. Career Development

You may enrol in short-term courses and training programmes conducted by ICIFE’s associates worldwide at membership fee. Additionally, you will be continually updated on current degree level and post-graduate programmes conducted by ICIFE members and its associates.

VI. Involvement

You may participate in specialised programmes and courses organised for the benefit of ICIFE members and associates in the field of Islamic Banking & Finance and its related areas.

VII. Others

Other benefits include opportunity to mentor younger members and assist them to develop further in their respective fields of study in the area of Islamic Banking & Finance and its related areas .
You may cancel your membership status by writing a letter to the Secretary of ICIFE and settle up any debts (if any) with the Council.
All training programmes will be uploaded onto the ICIFE website. Besides, emails will also be sent to members informing them of any future training programmes to be organised by ICIFE.