On Friday 27th November, Her Excellency Yasmin Busran-Lao, Secretary/CEO of the National Commission of Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) @ Office of the President of the Philippines hosted a Breakfast meeting at Istana Hotel Kuala Lumpur for ICIFE Exco Prof Dr. Mohamed Aslam B. Mohamed Haneef (representing the President) and Project Director Dr. Haji Zulkifly Baharom.

NCMF Officials present were:
Hon. Commissioner Aisha Flores-Malayang
Hon. Director Hadji Aleem Siddiqui Guiapal – Bureau of Muslim Economic Affairs
Atty. Yaser H. Apion, Legal Officer
Atty. Naima M. Sanggaeala, Legal Officer
NCMF is a government agency reporting to His Excellency the President of the Republic of the Philippines, whose objective is to promote the rights of Muslim Filipinos to make them active between the government and the country’s economics, education and socio-cultural matters.

At this Breakfast Meeting, it has been resolved that:
1. NCMF agreed to strengthen its role as ICIFE Institutional Member by accelerating greater collaborative opportunities for capacity building and talent development in Islamic Economics and Finance that could benefit both parties for the short, medium & long term planning.
2. NCMF was delighted that the Philippines Association of Islamic Accountants (PAIA) is also the ICIFE Institutional Member which would provide partnership for Continuous Education Programs (CEP) and Training of Trainers (TOT) in the Philippines. This development was the initiatives made by PAIA Founding President Amanoding Esmail and Prof Iskandar (Alex) Bangcola, Advisor – Strategic Loans & Investments, Philippines Amanah Islamic Bank, Manila.
3. The 2nd NCMF International Islamic Finance Conference planned in the 1st Quarter of 2016 @ Manila would offer opportunities for ICIFE and PAIA as co-organizers. To add greater value, the Office of NCMF Secretary/CEO would invite University of the Philippines (UP), the Ateneo University, Mindanao State University and the Asian Institute of Management as partners.
4. ICIFE in capitalizing the experience of IIUM-Center of Islamic Economics is ready to provide one-week intensive training program including study tour for 10 senior officers of NCMF and its related government agencies. NCMF would soon identify the training needs and budgets for this customized training program to be implemented in the last week of January 2016 which could give opportunity for them to attend ICIFE 2nd Annual General Meeting on 30th January.
5. Subject to the execution of decision no. 4 (above), Her Excellency Secretary/CEO Yasmin Busran-Lao has agreed to accept the invite to participate at ICIFE 2nd AGM and concurrently visit IIUM and pay courtesy call on IIUM President, the Rector and ICIFE Founding President.
6. NCWF fully supported the initiative by ICIFE to establish the International Federation of Islamic Economics and Finance Educators with its World Secretariat based in Kuala Lumpur. The objective for which the Federation is to advance Islamic Economics and Finance Education throughout the world by promoting of planned processes to achieve effective performance.
7. In furtherance of the above commitments and manifestation for future collaboration Her Excellency Secretary Yasmin Busran-Lao has accepted the invite as ICIFE Honorary Member.