Human Resource Development Fund (HRDF) has released the Assessment result of Certification in Training for ICIFE 2nd Batch of 20 participants held at IIUM CRESCENT Jalan Duta Campus Kuala Lumpur on 15-19 August 2016. Congratulations to the trainers who have successfully fulfilled all the assessment requirements for TRAIN THE TRAINER Certification program. They are now certified to conduct/facilitate training for clients in the industry and private sector. This Certificate will be presented to the recipients by ICIFE Founding President Prof Khaliq Ahmad at special event. To date ICIFE has 40 Certified Trainers.
The 1st Batch of TTT had 4 foreign members i.e. one from Bangladesh, one from Pakistan and two from Philippines. For the 2nd Batch, eight foreign members who attended TTT from Philippines were from the Office of Congresswoman Hon. Sitti Djalia A. Turabin-Hataman in Manila and the Office of Regional Governor Hon Mujiv A Hataman of Autonomous Region of Muslim MIndanao (ARMM) in Cotabato City.