ICIFE Project Leaders off-site meeting on 20th December 2014 @DePalma Hotel Ampang, the idea mooted to propose for a Draft ICIFE Act was adopted by the Exco members in the presence of MoHE and PEMAMDU representatives. Assistant Secretary Dr. Rusni Hassan was appointed as the Project Leader to work on the draft with a Task-force comprising of Prof Hunud Abia Kadouf, Dr. Omar Oseni, Atty Haji Abu Hanifah, Dr. Adam Abdullah and Dr. Haji Zulkifly Baharom. Series of meetings were held involving the feedback and buy-in from the Exco members respectively.
On 26th June 2015, President Prof Khaliq Ahmad presented the proposed Draft ICIFE Act to YBhg Tan Sri Dato’Seri Utama Dr. Rais Yatim, Chairman of ICIFE International Advisory Board who was very supportive and shared valuable inputs. Subsequently, Tan Sri took initiatives to debrief YB Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh, Minister of Higher Education & YAB Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Razak.
In his keynote address at ICIFE Round-table @Port Dickson on 08th August, Tan Sri announced that the proposed ICIFE Act has been drafted and undergoing a series of consultations with MoHE and relevant ministries and Attorney General’s prior to it being tabled at the Parliament.
On 15th December, ICIFE Task-force received further technical inputs/feedback on the scope of Draft ICIFE Act from MoHE in particular its Policy Research Division and Legal Advisory Division. Our Task-force quickly studied it and came up with responses on technical and legal justification.
Alhamdulillah. On 12th February 2016 at the NKEA Steering Committee Meeting on EPP7 chaired by YB Dato’ Seri Idris Jusoh, Minister of Higher Education at Putrajaya; President Prof Khaliq presented EPP-7 Progress Report based on ICIFE Achievements focusing the attention of YB Minister on the proposed Draft ICIFE Act. In the presence of Secretary General of MoHE, Director General of Higher Education, Director of PEMANDU and other top officials, YB Minister declared support to the Draft ICIFE Act and directed all relevant departments under MoHE to expedite the process targeting June 2016 for it to be tabled in Parliament. As such, all parties must work fast.